Chickens as flea control?


10 Years
Sep 28, 2010
Has anyone noticed a decrease in your flea population with chickens?

I seem to have noticed a decrease in fleas (on my indoor dog), but it doesn't really make sense to me that the chickens would be responsible. But that's the only explanation I can come up with at the moment.

The chickens don't even like eating ants that much. Anyone else found chickens to be helpful in controlling fleas?
I found chickens are helpful in hosting fleas. Had a problem with them a few years ago when visiting cats offloaded a couple in or near my chicken run. Had to pull them off my hens' faces with tweezers. Dust your hens and their housing, bedding etc, even if you don't see any on them. Just to be on the safe side. Those little bugs get around. Fast.

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