Chickens at the back door?


11 Years
Dec 28, 2008
Seattle, WA
I'm sitting inside right now and it's snowing in Seattle. Well, I hear a knockin' at the back door and there are the 3 B's. Have others spoiled there birds to the point that they knock at the door at the first sign of foul weather?
My Barred Rock will come and knock at the door when she wants treats. Once one of the chickens fell in the pool and I have two of my RIR's pecking frantically at my door to have me come out and rescue the victim. I was quite amazed. Who ever said chickens are stupid are so wrong!
I got a door mat for my kitchen door that says "Welcome! Close the door....before the chickens get in!"
It's not only cute, it's the truth! Leave the door open for longer than it takes you to get in and you'll be followed in by a bunch of chickens. They'd love to include my refrigerator in their free range area.
When we a several turkeys in the spring, I will let them out of the pen to roam the yard. DW blew a gasket on more than one occassion when the younger turkeys climbed the stairs to the deck and looked at the reflection in the sliding door. That was cute, but the mess they left behind is what got me in trouble.
A few of our orpingtons come to our sliding glass door and peck at it. My wife made the mistake of giving them raisins one day from inside the door.
Here are my guineas at the back door (begging). We don't have them any more, but weather permitting, the chickens come almost daily to ask for a handout. I must have a pic around here somewhere...


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