chickens can growl?

Do you know chickens can pur too! My silkie and my barred rocks do it when being petted. I believe the correct word for what they do is "Trill" but it sounds like a purr. Mine even do it when getting treats, or taking a dust bath ! Out of my 11 i must say ive never heard any of them "Growl" but i sure believe its possible! If they purr when very happy, why not growl when they aren't? Amazing creatures aren't they? Just wanted to let you know about the purring, if you haven't already heard it from yours. Best wishes.
A couple of our girls got nicknamed "Roar-y" because they roared like the earlier described brawwwl, when we checked on them being broody. When we first got them home and in the quarantine area, they were almost purring as they settled their bedding down. It was very peculiar and I had not come across it before. They also purr as they close their eyes if you can manage to hold them and pet them.
Such interesting creatures that make my heart full

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