Chickens, Cows and Horses!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 1, 2013
North Yorkshire, England
So I've finally let my chickens out today to enjoy the sun :) they love it! and they come running up to me when I go to see them :) Our cows are also out and me and my best friend have bought a horse finally! shes a little beaut called Damson Time

Darwin and Nugget in there pen

My leggy German Langshan Bantam birds (you can see the roo in the background hes a funny looking thing!)

My beautiful Damson :)

One of my Wyandotte Bantams

Damson again

A nice shot with their house in the background

Nugget saying hello to one of my Langshan hens

Coming to see me as I sat photographing. The bkack ones are more friendly than the blues or white for some reason!
Congrats on the horse! Just a quick note: keep an eye on the chickens the first time you turn them out with the horse. My son's horse (the sweetest little spotted-gaited mare in the world) decided one day she HATED our chickens and attempted to stomp them. (This is the same horse that will bury her head in your chest to get lovin'.) Just FYI, since the horse is new........we ended up running around the paddock like idiots yelling/waving our arms at Sassenach to try to get her away from the hens...
aww bless it :) probably just a bit like oh my goodness what are those? haha our horse doesn't live on our farm yet as the stable isn't built so we're okay for now but I will keeo this in mind thank you very much :) although they have chickens at the stables she is being kept at so hopefully should be okay :)

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