Chickens eating meat, ok to compost litter?

I used to be a scientists of sorts many years ago before I got a major career upgrade to Bucket Boy. :D

I've learn't more useful stuff while being a Bucket Boy and watching what real chickens do with regards to chickens than I have reading the vast majority of scientific literature.
It seems that every day there is some new bit of science that states this or that poses some risk or benefit. The problem often is one doesn't get to read the experiment procedure. What one usually gets is someones interpretation of the experiement results.

Good science will identify a problem and seek to find a solution to that problem.
Bad science uses science to construct a problem and then produce a solution.
Many studies that are relevant to one set of circumstances (the control set) fall apart as soon as the control set is removed.

You could take any food stuffs I can think of, analyse them and find there is something that is potentially harmful in them.
I've composted chicken shite for years and to the complete horror of some I dare say, this chicken shite came from free range chickens that i witnessed eat ing stuff that would make one gag just thinking about it. The compost went on the vegetables and fruit trees. Very nice the veg and fruit tasted to.

do you feed chickens their brethren after processing... Not sure how I feel about that one 😶😶‍🌫️
I'm a complete monster that should be shunned by all decent pro life folk. I eat eggs and what's more most of them are fertile. :oops:
Are there any compelling arguments for, or against, composting the manure of meat supplemented birds?
No, there are not.
Yes, I am aware that dog and cat poop is best to avoid. Like I said, the birds must have reached through the chain link to get it. They can reach almost a foot outside of the pen while stretching their necks.

I have a friend that runs her pet pig and chickens together so yes, I also know that chickens are used as a cleanup crew. Just seems that they don't care who they are cleaning up after. Haha
Yes, the chickens don’t care. Chickens gonna chicken. The dogs going to poop in the one foot strip you’d prefer they not. Everyone is probably going to be just fine. :gig
I have a pet milk snake and sometimes she doesn't eat her frozen/thawed mouse. That mouse gets thrown in the chicken pen and the girls love it! It's like a million dollars just rained from the sky. They run around the pen squawking and taking it from each other before it's finally eaten.

I found part of a dog turd in the chicken pen the other day. The dog doesn't get access to the pen so I'm thinking that the dog pooped close to the pen and one of the chickens reached through the chain link to get it. That gave me the ickies.
I had one that tried to eat a lit cigarette...
Is composting cat/dog poop really that much more dangerous than composting chicken poop? I thought the main risk from any of the above is worms, and if you make a nice hot compost pile the risks are close to nil.
Is composting cat/dog poop really that much more dangerous than composting chicken poop? I thought the main risk from any of the above is worms, and if you make a nice hot compost pile the risks are close to nil.
In addition to the worms the concern is parasites and bacteria. Hot compost MIGHT kill them but best not to risk on food crops.

I have at times separately composted dog poop to use on non-food crops like scrubs and trees.

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