Chickens eye is cloudy


Apr 12, 2019
This girl ended up from my neighborhood into my property , she has cloudy eyes and can partially see . I read online she might have an infection but not so clear on how to treat it or at least stop it if that's the case. I cleaned her eyes with a small syringe ( no needle ofcourse) and just slowly wash the eye with water. What alse can I do to help her to gain her sight back ? If not make it so she's is ok and not with any discomfort.


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Her eyes appear to be blind. I doubt there's anything you can do to restore her vision.

When cleaning a chicken wound or chicken eyes, it's important to use saline sterile wash as plain water disturbs the chemical balance and actually hurts.

You can make your own saline from recipes found on the internet. You can try treating the eyes to clear up a bacterial infection. Ask for terramycin eye ointment at you feed store. But the damage to the eyes appears too acute to save her sight.
Cloudy is an understatement, I think the eyes are too far gone, I'm sorry. Keep her away from your chickens if possible.

Her eyes appear to be blind. I doubt there's anything you can do to restore her vision.
Poor girl!

Do y'all think her blindness is due to infectious disease? I worry about OP's flock.
Poor girl!

Do y'all think her blindness is due to infectious disease? I worry about OP's flock.
It's a risk every single time you import a chicken into your flock. I wouldn't do it until a vet examines this hen and diagnoses what is causing her eye condition.

If I had found such a hen with no ability to see well enough to find food and water and to evade danger, I would not bring her into my flock. I would humanely euthanize her since being blind will be a huge handicap.
Poor girl!

Do y'all think her blindness is due to infectious disease? I worry about OP's flock.
Well she's isolated . My flock is fine.i take care.of em, I think she came from the neighbors across me they also have chickens and I think they just breed em for eggs and meat.... And I don't really think care much them .
She is too close to your chicken in the first picture. Her eyes don't seem to be the only problem. It looks like she has so discharge from her mouth and nostrils also. I would euthanize and get a necropsy because, from your photos, your flock has already been exposed.
She is too close to your chicken in the first picture. Her eyes don't seem to be the only problem. It looks like she has so discharge from her mouth and nostrils also. I would euthanize and get a necropsy because, from your photos, your flock has already been exposed.
Yeah though just ending her. She doesn't have a discharge, I just finished cleaning her eyes I sprayed some of that special chicken disinfectant I bought from Amazon that's why it looks wet. I find it kinda sad though but yeah it has crossed my mind. Other chickens seem fine except for the roosters mainly they Wana mate with her but I keep em away.
Yeah though just ending her. She doesn't have a discharge, I just finished cleaning her eyes I sprayed some of that special chicken disinfectant I bought from Amazon that's why it looks wet. I find it kinda sad though but yeah it has crossed my mind. Other chickens seem fine except for the roosters mainly they Wana mate with her but I keep em away.
This chicken most likely has a disease and just having the bird within 50 ft of your flock is very dangerous.

Diseases travel through the wind.
I'd get that bird a football field length away from my flock immediately.

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