Chicken's Face is dripping BLOOD.


7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
Help, our chicken is really bloody. Imagine someone got mugged and punched in the face with beer bottles and cut everywhere. Please help, she was found hiding in our thorn bush. We have her inside now, we don't know how to treat her.
I mean she is really bloody, one of her eyes are half closed with scabs.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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It sounds like she was attacked by a predator. Clean the wounds with weak betadine, keeping the betadine out of her eyes (use saline or water there.) Coat wounds after drying with plain Neosporin or other antibiotic ointment. Apply pressure for 5 minutes to stop any bleeding. She may be in shock, so place her in a cage on an old towel with water and food, and keep her warm. How long before you found her? Pictures may help.
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is there a substitute for betadine? We put cornstarch on her wounds. I don't think she was attacked because the 10 other chickens aren't harmed. And can I use hydrogen peroxide?
Betadine is just a good antiseptic. Hibiclens is another good one to mix with water. But good old soap and water or peroxide will work (don't get into eyes) although peroxide should be avoided after the first use since it may prevent healing. The corn starch is fine to stop the bleeding, but use some antibiotic ointment tomorrow. Do you have roosters? If she was attacked that badly by your chickens, I would look for any signs of illness in her (they may have attacked her because she was sick) or you may have a bully(s) that needs to go into chicken jail for a week or two. When she is better, hopefully, I would be cautious about re-introducing her, very slowly, and be there home all day. Keeping her in the coop or run in her cage would help in this--out of harm's way, but still in the flock.

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