Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Corn, in contrast to what we have been taught, isn't great chicken food nutritionally speaking. Thus, it should be a limited part of their diet.

Yep, it takes a brave one to try the new thing and if it likes it, they ALL dive right in.

Raw chicken bones are an invitation to intestinal perforations.

I don't think I would give commercial processed bread to my chickens.

My chickens LOVE Black Oil Sunflower Seed (BOSS), I'm surprised no one else mentioned it. And they love their scratch grains at roost time. Scratch grains (which include cracked corn, a favorite part for mine) should be no more than 10% of their diet!!! Use either of these to train your chickens to come when called. Makes it a lot easier to get them in the coop when it is not their idea ;)

On COLD winter mornings, I have given them cooked oatmeal with BOSS, raisins and if there is any meat fat, I mix that in as well. They love it.
And you can toss the bones from dinner to them, they will pick those clean. Melon rind and "guts", most other fruits; they get lots of apple cores.
If you want to find out what they really like, give them just about anything you would put in the compost bin. 

How do wolves and coyotes not die all the time if that happens? I've been dealing with dogs for 30 years and have never had a problem. Where does this info come from?
Corn, in contrast to what we have been taught, isn't great chicken food nutritionally speaking. Thus, it should be a limited part of their diet.

Yep, it takes a brave one to try the new thing and if it likes it, they ALL dive right in.

Raw chicken bones are an invitation to intestinal perforations.

I don't think I would give commercial processed bread to my chickens.

My chickens LOVE Black Oil Sunflower Seed (BOSS), I'm surprised no one else mentioned it. And they love their scratch grains at roost time. Scratch grains (which include cracked corn, a favorite part for mine) should be no more than 10% of their diet!!! Use either of these to train your chickens to come when called. Makes it a lot easier to get them in the coop when it is not their idea ;)

On COLD winter mornings, I have given them cooked oatmeal with BOSS, raisins and if there is any meat fat, I mix that in as well. They love it.
And you can toss the bones from dinner to them, they will pick those clean. Melon rind and "guts", most other fruits; they get lots of apple cores.
If you want to find out what they really like, give them just about anything you would put in the compost bin. 
this is simply not true at all/misinformation. Cooked bones (of any kind) splinter and can cause perforations. Raw meaty bones are VERY good for feline and canine animals.
it is COOKED bones that cause splintering and perforations, not raw bones (generally speaking).
Correct. Shouldn't spread info like that. More people are switching to a natural diet for their dogs and false facts stop a lot of them. Commercial dog food hasn't been around for very long but people think it's the standard. Cooking their food kills so much of the good nutrients.
My bantams love:

mashed potato
sunflower seeds
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