Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

We've only had chickens for 3 months now but they seem to love strawberries and fermented grains. They also went crazy for some leftover pork roast that got dry.
Our chickens absolutely love hulled sunflower seeds, that's what I always use to lure them into the run when necessary. It never fails.

They love tomatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon, fresh greens, DO NOT get between them and fresh corn on the cob!
I am a total advocate of feeding raw to my dogs. Have been feeding raw chicken.........necks, wings, legs, quarters etc for 15 years and even raised my purebred corgi show dogs/pups on it.
I think the idea on the chicken bones is coming from COOKED chicken bones as they can perforate and cause problems as they are brittle (I never give cooked chic bones) however raw is what all dog species have been eating since the beginning of time.
As to the chickens I give them handfuls of the raw bone meal that I also get for my dogs and their favorite is the whole cooked turkey carcass from thanksgiving dinner (since it's cooked don't give to my dogs) they will strip it down in no time flat.
I would say meat, cantalope (especially insides with seeds) cheese and cooked noodles are my chic's favorites but they will eat just about anything.
Ramen Noodles (no Spices) mixed with peas/green beans.............Also mine love Wheat Bread . Wheat Crackers. Tip: I buy from the Local Bakery Resale Store( $1.00-$2.00 a rack; a rack holds 8 loaves of bread,)as soon as the Trucks come-in They call Me . I take all They have. Families Members Pick first ''Cakes ,Pizza Crust and Donuts'' then I store the rest in the extra Fridge ,take it out the nite before to warm-up . Most of the time the sale by date is 5-7 days away.
My girls LOVE cooked oatmeal (I always make extra so they can have some), dried meal worms, watermelon, cantaloupe, corn on the cob, black oil sunflower seeds, peaches, mint leaves, grapes, yogurt and shredded cheese.
I have one little Bantam and she LOVES her treats. Right now she is on a watermelon kick because it so hot here in SoCal! She also LOVES noodles of any kind, but we don't give them to her very often. Corn on the cob is a favorite....And of course she goes crazy for her worms!!! My hubby says she eats better than we do!!!
My girls loooooove watermelon...they fly up like falcons and perch on my arms to get their share of the watermelon...I laugh and laugh at their goofy sweet faces that beg and beg for their piece...Oh and I better be quick about sharing it out or I get the 'stink eye' right away too. My neighbors must think I am nuts with my arms full of hens and watermelon...giggling my butt off. (I am an old lady)

I never thought of giving the seeds out of the cantaloupe to them...thank you for that idea

they also love the lettuce I grow tor them and the organic baby spinach leaves the get everyday...but still noting tops the watermelon..
Mashed potato, cheese, pasta, peanut-butter on bread. My girls absolutely love those things, they also love their oat and yoghurt mash(with the garlic of course!) and their seed scratch mix.

P.S. My girls have always loved sunflower seeds in their seed mix.

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