Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

where did this notion come from? is there some evidence of this? I would like some proof
it is a commonly known fact that oxalate in spinach and kale impede the absorption of calcium. Some greens have more than others. I prefer turnip, mustard and parsnip greens for my animals.
A simple Google search will give you exactly what you are asking for.
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My girls are only 7 weeks right now, but I am contemplating all these great things for them to peck at. I want to put a swing next to my coop's run when it is finished and just be able to sit and watch in the shade.

Wonderful idea!!!!
My 8 week old hens favorite treats to date.

*Love Love Love plain cooked spaghetti noodles.

*Dry mealworms.. with the exception of "Katrina" 1 out of 6 chicks.

*Plain instant oatmeal.

*Lettuce and freash Kale.

Note: just planted pumpkin seeds so we'll see ♡
Meat of any kind brings out the monster in them. Protein.
Glad to have you on the forum. Let's face it. Chickens are carnivores. They love meat. It's always been given to them. They just stopped putting it in the feeds to be sure no Mad Cow disease was introduced. I give my babies a lot of leftovers with pasta veggies and meat. Usually cooked. My chicks are 9 weeks old but I've been researching the forum for 9 mo. Talked a lot too.
There is so much to be learned on here and my favorite site is Fermented feeds for Meat birds. Very long but I've been reading it forever since day 1. Good people. Also, go to the social pages and look up Beekissed thread The Front Porch Swing. Read the first few pages and jump in and visit.
it is a commonly known fact that oxalate in spinach and kale impede the absorption of calcium. Some greens have more than others. I prefer turnip, mustard and parsnip greens for my animals.
A simple Google search will give you exactly what you are asking for.

You would have to feed an astounding amount of nightshade veg (high in oxalic acid) to actually cause a calcium deficiency though. I read somewhere that you'd have to consume numerous CUPS of spinach in order to deplete the amount of calcium in a single-serve yogurt container. So really not a big deal unless fed in excess.
My babies (5 weeks today) only like mealworms and kale. They attack my hand as I try to hang the kale in their brooder lol
Tried cantaloupe & watermelon but they didn't touch either...


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