Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Geeze, we don't feed our chicks anything but chick feed until they are 12 weeks old. I didn't know you could feed them other food when they were that young.
I'm of the opinion that you definitely don't have to give your chickens meat at all. if you're giving them a quality feed, that should hopefully have everything they need in it (although I tend to think that letting them scrounge for some greens and bugs on their own is an important part of their diet and lifestyle, too).

In fact I avoid giving mine any meat because I'm so distrustful of the factory farming industry and i don't want to introduce any accumulated nasty stuff (antibiotics and other medicines, diseases, pesticides) into their system. I don't eat meat myself, either (I'm a vegetarian) so that works out just fine.

I understand why you don't want to eat meat. But, that said, chickens are going to eat meat if only bugs and worms. It's their nature. I'm glad that you are able to let them be chickens and grub in the dirt. They love it so much.
Geeze, we don't feed our chicks anything but chick feed until they are 12 weeks old. I didn't know you could feed them other food when they were that young.

I don't add other stuff to their food until about 3 wks or so. They are fine to eat anything else. Boiled potatoes used to be the mainstream along with cornbread or mush.
Oh mom's mix,
Each cold morning I carry the bucket out to the workshop on my way to them and on my way back up I use a cup of this and a cup of that and also Tractor Supply has giant sacks of black oil sunflower seeds for under ten dollars and I toss a cup of wild bird feed or sunflower seeds if I have them to spare. I like to throw the crows stuff so they hang around a bit. Love to have the crows linger so
My cluckettes are safe for their morning stroll after filling up on hot mush.
Their own feed and water and a little walk about, then they chow down on a nice warm mushy glob of Mom's mix and a morning stroll and they are back in no time in their nest boxes laying that egg on cold mornings. Neighbors laugh, bet their not laying today it is soooo cold. And I reply, yessss they are.
I'm of the opinion that you definitely don't have to give your chickens meat at all. if you're giving them a quality feed, that should hopefully have everything they need in it (although I tend to think that letting them scrounge for some greens and bugs on their own is an important part of their diet and lifestyle, too).

In fact I avoid giving mine any meat because I'm so distrustful of the factory farming industry and i don't want to introduce any accumulated nasty stuff (antibiotics and other medicines, diseases, pesticides) into their system. I don't eat meat myself, either (I'm a vegetarian) so that works out just fine.

Well, I make my own feed, since I don't trust pet/livestock food companies one bit. I used to work in the pet food industry, and even the "good" companies won't hesitate to pull one over on their customers if they can. Food companies are no more trustworthy than factory farms.

So, I feed my girls meat. I try to get locally sourced, humanely raised meat as much as possible for all members of my family, furred and feathered included.
Happy Hen Treats
Lance peanut butter crackers
Wild raspberries from the back yard
Swiss chard
LifeWay Vanilla Keifer frozen yogurt bars ( minus the stick)
Fagé Greek yogurt

Pretty much in that order of importance. The more impressed they are with something the bigger their happy dance.
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Ive been finding alot of June Bugs while gardening and tossing them in the coop,So the girls have their own little keep away game or tag.
I only feed raw diet to my Giant Schnauzers; small poop turns to "ash" which is the leftover bone meal. Never any odor in yard, no doggie breath, no gas, beautiful white teeth, healthy skin and hair. They look like athletes, not a bit of fat on them. I've been doing this about 3 years, wish I had known about it earlier. I mainly feed raw chicken, and eggs because its the cheapest, but buy any meat on sale. Cooking the bones makes them brittle. I was afraid to give raw meat to the chickens because I thought it might make them more cannibalistic. I'm a newby to chickens, and this site is wonderful. 

I tell you there is no better way to go as far as I'm concerned. I feed my 2 large breed dogs for $4 per month. Wait one.... I'm gonna start a thread on the subject. I've been doing it for over 30 years and am still learning. It'll be interesting to see what others are doing. I'll come back and give you the name of it.

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