Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

I tell you there is no better way to go as far as I'm concerned. I feed my 2 large breed dogs for $4 per month. Wait one.... I'm gonna start a thread on the subject. I've been doing it for over 30 years and am still learning. It'll be interesting to see what others are doing. I'll come back and give you the name of it.

"Feeding your dog raw meat and bones" if you want to chime in. Should be interesting.
Dried mealy worms (of course)
BOSS - but really like it when I open them for them ;)
Apples - you should see them chase around with a chunk of apple hanging from their beak
Compost bucket - coffee grounds, vegetable scraps, stale dried bread, egg shells, spoiled fruit, etc.
As weird as this sounds - dried grass clippings - if I dump a wheel barrow load of clippings they all rush over like I dropped gold, only better. They scratch & kick furiously through it cause I musta hidden something amazing in there.
Mine love bananas for some reason, watermelon, bread, lettuce, worms, bugs, well basically a little bit of everything.
it is a commonly known fact that oxalate in spinach and kale impede the absorption of calcium. Some greens have more than others. I prefer turnip, mustard and parsnip greens for my animals.
A simple Google search will give you exactly what you are asking for.
yes, i can google the refute too. You can't eat enough spinach to deplete calcium, or at least i know i can't

don't believe everything on the internet. and eat your spinach, it's good for you.

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