Chickens Fav Treats!!!!


They are a very big favorite- for some of mine even more than mealworms! They love it!
Just make sure that you split them for easier eating and try to buy seedless.
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My girls love almost anything but a these are huge favorites of them:

Cracked corn

Dried mealworms
Dandelion greens and flowers

Corn on the cob

And the little dried shrimp you can buy in the pet section of the store for fish
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My wife works at subway so every now and again she brings home some of the leftover bread/rolls and our whole flock goes absolutely insane for it!
My hens LOVE grapes!!!!

They also love much that I put in a strawberry patch for them. When the strawberries are in season my girls spend most of their time eating and rolling on this patch.
Oh my, mine love grapes, watermelon and did you know they can turn that cantalope skin into almost paper. Right now I have an area loaded with plot spike, Pennington's larger sacks of flower seeds(all kinds) and grasses just for them. At a certain point I plan to mow, feed some then and let it dry and vacumn it with the bagger for later use. Soon I have to start another strip. I want each planting a month apart and in these mountains it is alright to plant in the summer. I have to watch the weather when I bring it in.
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My gals love oats, grass and flies if they can catch them. They turn their beaks up at fresh worms I dig up. I am not sure why.
Awwwww! So cute. That's how my chickens are. They will actually chase down the flies that are still in the air. Since we have a pool, bugs and grasshoppers fall in so I can just pull those out and give that to them. My girls go CRAZY for worms<<the slippery wet kind>> (ew)
Once my chicken saw a live grasshopper hoppin around and she chased around the yard for about 10 minutes before she actually caught it. So funny!
A good recipe for oats/oatmeal is this:

Fill a cup/bowl 1/4 full of water. Then put in the microwave for 1 min 30 sec. After you take it out, fill it up halfway with oatmeal. Stir. And give it out to the gals. It works best in the morning or when a chicken is cold/sick. (You can tell by the color of the comb)

Bright Red- Healthy
Pink-Under the Weather
I tell you there is no better way to go as far as I'm concerned. I feed my 2 large breed dogs for $4 per month. Wait one.... I'm gonna start a thread on the subject. I've been doing it for over 30 years and am still learning. It'll be interesting to see what others are doing. I'll come back and give you the name of it.
Please do that. I'd be interested.
So I was experimenting with my girls yesterday and was giving them some "treats". I tried a variety that included: banana, blueberries, black beans with corn, a hard boiled egg, and baked potato. Did not touch it! Nada, nothing, zilch. They do love locust shells though. I will be going tree to tree to get them some of those.

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