Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Mine love blackberries! I have a lot of wild blackberry bushes around my property. I take any extras (which is usually quite a few) and toss them around. They fight over it like crazy! LOL
Mine love dried mealworms, cabbage, and poultrt treat grains with raisins that I found at the farm store. Oh, and carrots also. They went nuts over my kitchen scraps the other day.
how do you get them to eat the carrots? Mine won't eat them because they're too hard. But mine will eat sweet potatoes uncooked. They even eat eggplant I just start peeling it back & they eat it! ;)
yogurt..blueberries...corn on the cob...& their fave dried mealworms
The next time you give them blueberries, keep the fruit whole and watch them try to fit it in their mouths/beaks. Also give blueberry muffins a try. Your little gals will go crazy for it.
My ladies love mealworms and earthworms, we go on flipping objets in the yard adventures together, lol
One of their favorite treats is a cup of plain yogurt, I give them one every few days and fresh kale, lettuce and tomatoes from my garden are one of their fav's!

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