Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

how do you get them to eat the carrots? Mine won't eat them because they're too hard. But mine will eat sweet potatoes uncooked. They even eat eggplant I just start peeling it back & they eat it!

Mine love to eat carrots if you'll hold them for them. They can bite off pieces even though it's hard, but they need something to stabilize the carrot while they do it. Putting the carrots in a suet cage (or something makeshift that's similar) should do the trick too. I do the same thing with thick broccoli stems.
Mine love to eat carrots if you'll hold them for them. They can bite off pieces even though it's hard, but they need something to stabilize the carrot while they do it. Putting the carrots in a suet cage (or something makeshift that's similar) should do the trick too. I do the same thing with thick broccoli stems. 
mine want me to hold their bell peppers for them too.
how do you get them to eat the carrots? Mine won't eat them because they're too hard. But mine will eat sweet potatoes uncooked. They even eat eggplant I just start peeling it back & they eat it!

I give them carrot peelings, and I dice up the bigger ends into smaller pieces. It's not their favorite thing, but they will eat it.
My ladies love mealworms and earthworms, we go on flipping objets in the yard adventures together, lol
One of their favorite treats is a cup of plain yogurt, I give them one every few days and fresh kale, lettuce and tomatoes from my garden are one of their fav's!
That is just what out little gals love.
I know someone that fed her chicks avacados. Would those have been considered toxic since the peel is green and the fruit is green? They didn't eat the peel but they did clean every bit of the avacado off of it. there were no adverse effects to the chicks at all though.
I know someone that fed her chicks avacados.   Would those have been considered toxic since the peel is green and the fruit is green?  They didn't eat the peel but they did clean every bit of the avacado off of it.  there were no adverse effects to the chicks at all though.  
I too did this on accident before. They did try to eat the peel. It's was no big deal. Seems they know to avoid what's bad for them
Hehe it is not because it is green that it's toxic :) It's the green parts on the potatoe that are toxic, for some reason.. but not because they are green!

Lettuce, kale, brocolli and cabbage are not toxic and green.

I think when we say avocado (I mean the fruit, not the skin) is "toxic" it is just because it is so fat that it could cause liver problems. I am not 100% sure though. Would be fun in someone could explain with more details!

The skin and pit ARE toxic though, the toxin contained is "persin".

I have served avocado to my parrot in small quantities for the last 10 years, he is not dead yet lol. But it could damage his liver if I gave too much, I think..
My girls (and possible guys) go crazy over fresh corn on the cob and mealworms.
(The red bag with dried mealworms makes them run across the backyard out of every hiding spot!!!)
Oatmeal was a hit when they were tiny.
They really rage for strawberry tops, napa cabbage and spaghetti squash.
Funny is that white cabbage, red cabbage and kale don't even get looked at!

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