Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

I didn't know anything ate eggplant

My chicken coop sets under a hackberry tree. They loved the tender leaves the tree happened to drop in the spring; to the point that I tried them, somewhat of a mustard green taste, not bad.
Yah! my sexlinks Love them! even if they are mushy they will run after it like a two year old runs for ice cream!

My girls like grapes to but now as mch as the blue berries
Ours love tomatoes, when we throw some in there they go NUTS, they also love Corn on the cob! Tomoatoes are a definite favorite though!
Mine love tomatoes too. Last year, my husband and I were trying our hand at gardening for the first time, and we planted 20 tomato plants. They all did very well and we had hundreds of tomatoes all ripe at once. We had so many that even though I was stewing constantly, we could afford to be very picky. If one was partially slug-eaten, we threw the whole thing to the chickens (we will be much stingier this year, and cut off the bad parts; we only planted 5 tomato plants this year). Our chickens really enjoyed the daily tomato toss.

They ate all the blueberries and raspberries off our bushes before they were even ripe last year, so this year they are kept away from those bushes. They adore plums, cherries, peaches, and soggy old banana.

Oh hey... I bought some black oil sunflower seeds (BOSS) yesterday and gave it to my chickens. They were like, what the heck is this? They were NOT impressed. I thought, based on other comments, that they'd be nuts for it. Guess I was a bit disappointed they didn't like my gift. :( Maybe it's an acquired taste?
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Mine love tomatoes too. Last year, my husband and I were trying our hand at gardening for the first time, and we planted 20 tomato plants. They all did very well and we had hundreds of tomatoes all ripe at once. We had so many that even though I was stewing constantly, we could afford to be very picky. If one was partially slug-eaten, we threw the whole thing to the chickens (we will be much stingier this year, and cut off the bad parts; we only planted 5 tomato plants this year). Our chickens really enjoyed the daily tomato toss.

They ate all the blueberries and raspberries off our bushes before they were even ripe last year, so this year they are kept away from those bushes. They adore plums, cherries, peaches, and soggy old banana.

Oh hey... I bought some black oil sunflower seeds (BOSS) yesterday and gave it to my chickens. They were like, what the heck is this? They were NOT impressed. I thought, based on other comments, that they'd be nuts for it. Guess I was a bit disappointed they didn't like my gift. :( Maybe it's an acquired taste?
it's a survival instinct to not eat anything they aren't familiar with. Stick with it. What I had to do for mine was break the shell and have them rip the fleshy part with their beaks so they could get a taste for them.
So I decided to be 'bad' today and pit-stopped at Taco Bell on the way home from the store. When I got home little Zoe, my chihuahua, and I sat outside by the temporary chicken run and she got the cheese as I munched away. All of a sudden I felt like someone was watching me, looked up and there they were, all 4 little ladies, staring at me as if to say "where's OURS?" So I thought what the heck it can't hurt to toss some tiny bits of crunchy taco shell to them....O..M..G..!! You would have thought they'd been starving for days! I couldn't help it I laughed so hard!!
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So I decided to be 'bad' today and pit-stopped at Taco Bell on the way home from the store. When I got home little Zoe, my chihuahua, and I sat outside by the temporary chicken run and she got the cheese as I munched away. All of a sudden I felt like someone was watching me, looked up and there they were, all 4 little ladies, staring at me as if to say "where's OURS?" So I thought what the heck it can't hurt to toss some tiny bits of crunchy taco shell to them....O..M..G..!! You would have thought they'd been starving for days! I couldn't help it I laughed so hard!!
LOL I just pictured that in my head!

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