Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

So I decided to be 'bad' today and pit-stopped at Taco Bell on the way home from the store. When I got home little Zoe, my chihuahua, and I sat outside by the temporary chicken run and she got the cheese as I munched away. All of a sudden I felt like someone was watching me, looked up and there they were, all 4 little ladies, staring at me as if to say "where's OURS?" So I thought what the heck it can't hurt to toss some tiny bits of crunchy taco shell to them....O..M..G..!! You would have thought they'd been starving for days! I couldn't help it I laughed so hard!! :lau  
my chickens steal my pizza :(
it's a survival instinct to not eat anything they aren't familiar with. Stick with it. What I had to do for mine was break the shell and have them rip the fleshy part with their beaks so they could get a taste for them.

Thanks, good idea. I will open some up for them. I have only had seed-eating birds before, like canaries who crack each seed before they eat it. I'm sure chickens aren't that dexterous with their beaks, and probably will be happy to swallow everything whole. I just wanted to check, though. They eat sunflower seeds shell and all, right?
Thanks, good idea. I will open some up for them. I have only had seed-eating birds before, like canaries who crack each seed before they eat it. I'm sure chickens aren't that dexterous with their beaks, and probably will be happy to swallow everything whole. I just wanted to check, though. They eat sunflower seeds shell and all, right? 
yes, but mine wouldn't eat them whole until they learned what was inside. Then they wouldn't eat them unless I cracked them until they got bigger and enjoyed them, they became overcome with excitement and just gobble them whole (FINALLY!!)
I have a tiny garden, with lots of leafy things. My 5 11-week old chicks range free, all eating raspberry leaves, grape leaves, peach tree leaves, iris leaves, cilantro and tarragon, dahlia and rose leaves, and some grass I grew for them. I've fenced off my strawberry and rhubarb patches, after the chicks showed no discrimination and were chowing down on both with equal enthusiasm.

Every morning they get Greek-style yogurt, with rolled or steel-cut oats,

berries, bananas, apples, pears, grapes or raisins, eggs,
Sunflower seeds, flax seeds cooked rice, sliced amonds or almond meal mixed with kefir. They eat better than I do!

So far they ignore everything that comes out of the house as scraps: no lettuce, tomatoes, melon rinds, sardine tins with bits of fish inside, and so on.

I'll have to try to give some meat or meat fats. How do others feed the meat fats- whole/diced or rendered and mixed in?
Today i was eating an ice cream that has chocolate round it like a magnum and a bit of the chocolate fell off and Queenie and rocky went to peck at it before i could pick it up and they loved it so i gave them another small piece each rocky went nuts for it and started chatting away to me just like he does when hes getting mealworms :) not sure if chocolate is good for them :/ if anyone knows that would be helpful :)
Today i was eating an ice cream that has chocolate round it like a magnum and a bit of the chocolate fell off and Queenie and rocky went to peck at it before i could pick it up and they loved it so i gave them another small piece each rocky went nuts for it and started chatting away to me just like he does when hes getting mealworms :) not sure if chocolate is good for them :/ if anyone knows that would be helpful :)
chocolate can kill them.

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