Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Well, each chick has prefences, so I'll start with the 12weekers

Buddy-BuffOrp, LOVES fig bars, yes I said fig bars. Just little pieces at a time, and not much filling unless a piece has some. He also will eat grubs if he is in an good mood, and 2 hours later he will eat watermelon, after it sits there for 2hours! Oh, yeah, bread! Loves bread, and some kind of cracker I gave him once. So his faves are:

-Fig Bar
-Whatever Crackers I gave him

He is very picky...

Hedwig-EE, Bread, of course, and sometimes watermelon and Bananas... Sometimes Fig Bars, she really likes Strawberries though

Bailey-BO, same as Hedwig

Bitsy-BO, Watermelon, Strawberries, Bananas and bread

Now 7weekers

Mr.Fly-Leghorn, Watermelon, Bananas and Bread

Prince Charming-Leghorn, ''

Frodo- Cochin, ''

Sam- Cochin, ''

These little chicks, throw a watermelon piece in their midst and it's every chick for itself! AKA Grab, Run, Chase and Eat as Fast as Possible After you Hide AKA GRCEFPAH
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I am lucky enough to work in a supermarket that has a salad bar, I just ask them to throw produce scraps in a bag for me, the girls love it and its free!! Win Win...

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