Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

I just tried for the first time a few days ago to give my group some nummies. I offered cucumber scraps, some lettuce including the core of a head of iceberg, apple scraps, and yogurt. They were not really impressed and wanted nothing to do with any of it. My ducks tried to eat some cucumber, but it was too big.

I'm new to the site and whenever I get to clicking around, I get easily distracted. I know I have read stuff about ducks on here, but is there a certain forum specifically for ducks?

Edited: I found it, nevermind! Thank you. :)
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My 11 week olds love black soldier fly larva. I found them in our overly wet compost bin at work. Since I had heard some people actually raise them as chicken feed, I thought I'd see if they would go for them. If chickens could talk, I'm pretty sure they'd be saying "Best thing ever!" :)
My girls LOVE grapes, blue berries, corn - on or off cob, plain Greek yogurt, dried meal worms, oatmeal, watermelon, seeds & pulp from a honeydew melon and they go nuts for the random big bugs they happen to find during their free range time.
Pidgejr, we have loads of wild raspberries and strawberries all over the place, once we get some berries we will see how they like them. :)
During the summer I get a few small watermelons from a local farmers market and keep them in the fridge. When it starts to get hot I cut into wedges and my flock goes berserk for it. I also give them cold corn on the cob, lettuce and I started freezing fruit and meal worms in ice trays which they seem to love also. During the winter I keep a few backs of dried meal worms but don't forget about mother nature. When it rains natures produces (free of charge) fat juicy worms..........
The other morning we had left over cheese grits and eggs from breakfast and I decided to give it a try and I would have to say I could have gave them a hole pot full and I think they would have had it spotless. They were going nuts. I new these birds was truly from the south.

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