Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

I cleaned out the fridge today and made a big bowl of chicken food. Strawberries were getting a little soft and mushy, had a lot of squash so that got roasted along with sweet potatoes, baby oatmeal, 2 cloves of garlic, also had a whole package of bacon that we didn't care for so that got cooked and went in as well as some banana. I filled some Tupperware with them and they're in the freezer now and I have some reserved for their dinner tonight. I'm assuming they're gonna rip my hand off. Might use welding gloves.

3 Buff Orp
2 Delaware
1 Brahma
1 White Leghorn
1 Easter Egger

All under 11 weeks old.
After tonights bbq I chucked the girls a chicken wing, they chased each other round for 20 minutes! Funniet thing I have seen. Cracked corn is also a regular favourite. My 2 girls are going to get fat as hell at this rate. Corn on the cob went ddown well too.

in short, I think anything from the kitcheen will get them going!
Has anyone ever given mushroom "stems," i.e., the leftover after you remove the cap? Not sure if they'd like the texture, but any reason it would be bad for them? (On a related note, do you think they know which wild mushrooms to avoid? There are some funky ones growing out of an old straw bale near my run, and I would hate them to eat something toxic before I throw that bale away...)
Oatmeal is their favorite. Mealworms, strawberries, any veggie kitchen scraps. They free range a lot so they find all kinds of yummy treats on their own.
I'm interested in the question about mushrooms also. In the fall I find some weird ones in my yard.

We have 3 silkies. Two of them love banana, one says nope.
They love sliced seedless green grape. The biggest girl has been my best friend since I gave out that treat.
They also like shredded carrot and apple.
Lots of treats on the treat chart I haven't tried yet, they've only lived here a few weeks.

Biggest girl can hop pretty high and had a feast in my planter of lettuce. Mowed it to the ground. I had to replant and wrap the planter in chicken wire.
Not sure yet how best to protect my blueberry bushes.
I cleaned out the fridge today and made a big bowl of chicken food. Strawberries were getting a little soft and mushy, had a lot of squash so that got roasted along with sweet potatoes, baby oatmeal, 2 cloves of garlic, also had a whole package of bacon that we didn't care for so that got cooked and went in as well as some banana. I filled some Tupperware with them and they're in the freezer now and I have some reserved for their dinner tonight. I'm assuming they're gonna rip my hand off. Might use welding gloves.

3 Buff Orp
2 Delaware
1 Brahma
1 White Leghorn
1 Easter Egger

All under 11 weeks old.

Did a fridge cleaning last weekend & they destroyed the contents of the "to go to the compost" bowl. The only reason they got the whole thing is my husband thought I was tossing it in the trash & added some leftover hotdogs to the bowl & I never put meat in the compost. So we now dump our compost/dinner leftover bowl in their yard just outside the coop. They think that is the best thing ever, its almost like a party each time.
I am very intrigued but just don't have the time right now to add in one more "Animal Chore" to my day. I did try sprouting seeds over the winter hoping to give them some variety in green stuff, but they were sort of indifferent to it. I admire people who have made this part of their routine though, it makes a ton of sense to me and it's clear the chickens love it!

Actually you might find that it is quite easy. I have a 2.5 gallon bucket that I ferment a mixed blend feed in. Each day I scoop out what I'm feeding them & pour back in dry feed to start fermenting, add more water and give it a good stir, then seal the lid back on. I keep my dry mixed feed next to the bucket because basically I am lazy & don't wanna have to walk all over gathering this & that
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