Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Actually you might find that it is quite easy. I have a 2.5 gallon bucket that I ferment a mixed blend feed in. Each day I scoop out what I'm feeding them & pour back in dry feed to start fermenting, add more water and give it a good stir, then seal the lid back on. I keep my dry mixed feed next to the bucket because basically I am lazy & don't wanna have to walk all over gathering this & that
Actually, I don't even do this. When I feed the FF down to 1 serving left (a couple of cups) I add water and stir. The I add the whole amount of grain to make up my 5 gallon bucket and stir. It's ready the next morning. I do this about once every 5 days. It sure cuts down on the amount of water I have to keep adding to the coop.
Actually, I don't even do this. When I feed the FF down to 1 serving left (a couple of cups) I add water and stir. The I add the whole amount of grain to make up my 5 gallon bucket and stir. It's ready the next morning. I do this about once every 5 days. It sure cuts down on the amount of water I have to keep adding to the coop.

I may have to try this cause with 23 chooks & a turkey (who thinks she's just a big chook) I am getting to the point of almost daily having to replenish.
I gave my silkie some meal worms and she loves them. When she wants one she will wait at the fridge. She is a house chicken
I may have to try this cause with 23 chooks & a turkey (who thinks she's just a big chook) I am getting to the point of almost daily having to replenish.

In fact today a added another 5 gallon bucket to the mix. I put 3 c or so of old mix into new water and stirred and added layer, boss, about 1/4 of it scratch and some azomite (rock dust) to get extra minerals. Got it ready and sitting. I'll be using it in a day or three. Then I'll start 1st bucket over. Done for about 10 days.
natural plain yoguhrt is a good treat gives good amount of calcium and they love it! just make sure that it stays a treat. meaning dont give it daily
So did you wear the welding gloves???? :lau

Nah cause it's 109 degrees outside. Lol. They gobbled it up though. Chickens aren't the brightest, I gotta say. When one finds a yummy bit of food to munch on they scream and scream while they're looking for a place to eat it. All the other chickens run and steal it they still don't shut up though and bring all of the attention back on to them once they have another bite.
Nah cause it's 109 degrees outside. Lol. They gobbled it up though. Chickens aren't the brightest, I gotta say. When one finds a yummy bit of food to munch on they scream and scream while they're looking for a place to eat it. All the other chickens run and steal it they still don't shut up though and bring all of the attention back on to them once they have another bite.
Boy, ain't it the truth!!! They are just too funny at times...enjoy your flock and stay cool!!
does anyone know of any herbs that chickens cannot eat. I am an herbalist so I have many different types in the garden. I just don't want to let them eat anything harmful to them.
This is just MY experience but it seems they just ignore all the stuff they're not supposed to have. I've started not even worrying about it. Just throw it out there and they decide. I have a compost and everything goes in it. Including the stuff that they say chickens can't have. They just don't eat it. Hope this helps. Wish I had more herbs because I know they're super healthy. I will soon as I'm learning to garden now.

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