Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

thans for the avice, k9dave. I see that chickens will eat almost anything and since I am new to the chicken world I worry. the website iwiw60 gave has a lot of info. herbs are not difficult to grow so I say go for it.
thans for the avice, k9dave. I see that chickens will eat almost anything and since I am new to the chicken world I worry. the website iwiw60 gave has a lot of info. herbs are not difficult to grow so I say go for it.

I'm a member of a FB group for gardening and someone posted pics of all this green stuff they needed iD'd from inside the chicken run. All kinds of people were blown away that these hadn't been eaten by the chickens. Seems they just know.
An easy treat I found recently.. put water in their regular feed, mix with fingers.. I don't even have the fingers out of the bowl that the hens are eating :)
My chickens love crickets and flies, they don't like worms much.
But if my rooster Rocky sees you with a Blueberry then you better hand it over or he will attack you
I have never tried giving Rocky any thing then then blueberries because he wont eat any other fruits, he just turns his tail at them,
And that's funny that your roo's name is Rocky too
Mine is a White Leghorn, what's yours?

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