Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Had the girls out free ranging in the yard yesterday and noticed that one of them had something fairly large and green in her mouth. When I looked closer I noticed that it was a grasshopper!Those little cluckers are quick to catch anything.
As funny as they are, this scared me to death when I saw it. I thought an animal had attacked!

It turns out chickens just look spastic when they kick back in the sun.

As funny as they are, this scared me to death when I saw it. I thought an animal had attacked!

It turns out chickens just look spastic when they kick back in the sun.

I know what you mean, I was scared spitless the first time I saw my whole flock dustbathing. They were all flopping around in the dirt and I thought something horrible had happened to them. Lol! Little sillies.
This is just MY experience but it seems they just ignore all the stuff they're not supposed to have. I've started not even worrying about it. Just throw it out there and they decide. I have a compost and everything goes in it. Including the stuff that they say chickens can't have. They just don't eat it. Hope this helps. Wish I had more herbs because I know they're super healthy. I will soon as I'm learning to garden now.

There are definitely some things my chicks won't eat, like lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots. But I wish they were as picky about rhubarb leaves. I thought I'd gotten rid of one plant, but new leaves popped back up. I noticed those leaves had been munched on at the same time there were lots of really watery poos. So far, none of my chicks have shown any other sign of illness, and most of their poos are more normal. I will be digging that plant up more completely. In the meantime, does anyone have any experience with rhubarb-eating chicks?
Had the girls out free ranging in the yard yesterday and noticed that one of them had something fairly large and green in her mouth. When I looked closer I noticed that it was a grasshopper!Those little cluckers are quick to catch anything.
My six week old RIR's are not too quick to try new things. They love live meal worms, but not so much the dried ones. Although they are starting to come around. They are just starting to like cracked corn too. But not the big pieces. When we put watermelon out, they wouldn't touch it...
My six week old RIR's are not too quick to try new things. They love live meal worms, but not so much the dried ones. Although they are starting to come around. They are just starting to like cracked corn too. But not the big pieces. When we put watermelon out, they wouldn't touch it...

Mine, too. It may take a day or so to get them to try the treats I make them. But they do love dried mealworms. I can get them to come just by shaking the bag!

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