Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

LOL! I think I would be totally freaked out if I saw my chickies covered in red. Too funny!:D

Hi K9Dave, Asheville, NC is near the Tennessee border in the mountains of western NC; I lived there for almost 10 years. It's a great place.
Yes, I now live in Raleigh, NC, not as nice as the mountains of Asheville, but I've got kids and grandkids here. Dear Sub, how did your sick baby fare? Hope all went well.
Is there any treats/people food that should be avoided?

Avocado, onions, garlic, and anything with high salt or sugar content. Our girls get Chinese take out leftovers now and then, but I'm careful not to give too much on one day, sometimes spreading leftovers out over several days so they don't get too much salty food all at once.
LOL! I think I would be totally freaked out if I saw my chickies covered in red. Too funny!:D
I gave my girls spaghetti and they flicked tomato sauce & noodles EVERYWHERE. Storm managed to get some on her back so Brownie used her as a table to eat off

She also swallowed a long piece and it wouldn't go down for a while so she was just running round with it hanging out -.-

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