Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

I gave my girls spaghetti and they flicked tomato sauce & noodles EVERYWHERE. Storm managed to get some on her back so Brownie used her as a table to eat off:pop
She also swallowed a long piece and it wouldn't go down for a while so she was just running round with it hanging out -.-

Didn't think this one thru. I had 2 ears of corn still in the shucks that were beginning to go bad I thought. I learned they were just fine when I shucked them but man they made a mess out of me holding that corn cob. Every time they but a kernel, I got blasted with corn juice. I was working on warming up a chick that doesn't like me so I held it the whole time.
Didn't think this one thru. I had 2 ears of corn still in the shucks that were beginning to go bad I thought. I learned they were just fine when I shucked them but man they made a mess out of me holding that corn cob. Every time they but a kernel, I got blasted with corn juice. I was working on warming up a chick that doesn't like me so I held it the whole time.

What a bath you got that day. I know that I am new to the chicken game, but I notced that everything they do, they do it with a lot of force. you could teach the chickies how to take the treat "nice" like you can with dogs. I am trying to train the chickens so I may have to see about this.
What a bath you got that day. I know that I am new to the chicken game, but I notced that everything they do, they do it with a lot of force.  you could teach the chickies how to take the treat "nice" like you can with dogs. I am trying to train the chickens so I may have to see about this.:thumbsup
it works for me,if they bite me I say ow! and they don't get any more treats from me, or if they peck me hard.
I cook, a LOT, so my chickens are getting tons of veggie peelings, left over baked potatoes or the skins, they like spinach leaves, go nuts for lettuce (any variety) and absolutely adore taking my small tomatoes off my cherry tomato plant. We fight about that one!
They ate every blueberry on my itty, bitty bush that we'd just planted! I will have to do something for next year lol

They LOVE apples, not crazy about bananas or lemon, well any citrus really. They like cracked corn and the mealy worms, but absolutely go bonkers over scratch! I've yet to feed them meat and feel I have plenty of bugs around here to garner them extra protein, plus they get organic yogurt, and they love that too.

We have cows and the water trough 'collects' June bugs overnight and every afternoon when I let them out I feed them to them. THAT becomes an amusing feeding frenzy!! There are squabbles and chases galore lol A couple of the hens have gotten good about swallowing them almost whole so they don't get robbed
Each one of my birds has different likes and dislikes when it comes to food BUT when it's spaghetti, it's like the bell rang and the gloves come off. Lol.
My well behaved chickens become monsters towards each other and I get some free entertainment.
Didn't think this one thru. I had 2 ears of corn still in the shucks that were beginning to go bad I thought. I learned they were just fine when I shucked them but man they made a mess out of me holding that corn cob. Every time they but a kernel, I got blasted with corn juice. I was working on warming up a chick that doesn't like me so I held it the whole time.
Chickens are so messy!!! I gave them mashed potato once and Storm (I don't know how) got it ALL over her head, so she shook it and it flicked EVERYWHERE onto my face and clothes (and my eye)
Geeze, we don't feed our chicks anything but chick feed until they are 12 weeks old. I didn't know you could feed them other food when they were that young.

I have just given my 8-10 week olds water melon and cabbage for the first time. They loved it.
I heard today from a chicken specialist breeder that dried meal worms are one of the disallowed foods as an import from China was infected with salmonella. Anyone else heard this?
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I have just given my 8-10 week olds water melon and cabbage for the first time. They loved it.
I heard today from a chicken specialist breeder that dried meal worms are one of the disallowed foods as an import from China was infected with salmonella. Anyone else heard this?
SURE!! If it's hot where you live right now give them a piece of watermelon.....and then get out of the way!!! Chickens go beserk for watermelon!!

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