Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

I have just given my 8-10 week olds water melon and cabbage for the first time. They loved it.
I heard today from a chicken specialist breeder that dried meal worms are one of the disallowed foods as an import from China was infected with salmonella. Anyone else heard this?

I just can't get my little flock of six interested in cabbage. Do you do something special? Even when it's chopped and mixed in with their beloved oats, apples and yogurt, the only thing left is the cabbage. I've got a head of it hanging from a tree where they love to forage, but even letting them get hungry doesn't send any of them to the cabbage. Should I just consider it a lost cause?
I just can't get my little flock of six interested in cabbage. Do you do something special? Even when it's chopped and mixed in with their beloved oats, apples and yogurt, the only thing left is the cabbage. I've got a head of it hanging from a tree where they love to forage, but even letting them get hungry doesn't send any of them to the cabbage. Should I just consider it a lost cause?

Cabbage is safe in our garden. So are our Broccoli plants. THAT SAID, I thought those little... Darlings... ate straight down the line and to the ground the neon/rainbow swisschard and carrot tops.

My husband went to weed my garden and I went out there to thank him and I must have seen red. I asked him, where are MY plants? He kept saying, there was nothing there. I kept saying, I know there was. I thought he just wiped them out when he plowed through. I hand pull the old fashioned way to give the live weeds with roots attached to my little darlings that are too young to free range. My husband uses his big tractor, big John or little John as he cuts a swath through leaving death and destruction in his path.

Then I caught the little devils..,I mean darlings. Our much older BO & RIR's sneaking out of their area ( they get the hutch next to the barn) heading across the yard to the creek and eating in the garden. Now I have told them before to stay on the otherside of the yard near the barn, drive and the creek over that way or go play in the woods during the day. It is too dangerous for them to cross those open fields, hawk. They don't listen. They don't like to be pinned in and they love to go. Even a 6 foot high fence could not keep those fat bottom girls in on the other side. I tried. They jump against the fence and flutter their wings as they literally walk UP the fence.

Really don't know what to do. I blamed them. That is after I blamed my husband and then there they were. Rabbits. Rabbits and deer. And the cabbage and broccoli are safe.
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I just can't get my little flock of six interested in cabbage. Do you do something special? Even when it's chopped and mixed in with their beloved oats, apples and yogurt, the only thing left is the cabbage. I've got a head of it hanging from a tree where they love to forage, but even letting them get hungry doesn't send any of them to the cabbage. Should I just consider it a lost cause?

One of my little ones in action. I wonder why some like it and some don't? Now they really go nuts for it when its fermented in sauerkraut. Raw they are not super fans of it but if I leave almost anything long enough in their run, they'll finish it off.

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