Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Mine go apes over mealworm..they prefer live but love the freeze dried version too. I keep a mealworm farm going for theM and the lizard but they would eat them all in one sitting if I let them! They eat veggies and grass, popcorn and things but mealworm seem to be the key to chicken happiness :)
Seems like tons of people give their chickens yogurt. I also used to, but about a year ago read something in the "Chicken Whisperer" which said chickens' digestive systems really aren't meant to handle dairy, so a better way to get them probiotics is to give them probios powder (or something similar). When I had some diarrhea in my flock, I actually ended up taking a couple in to see an avian vet, and after confirming they didn't have intestinal parasites, he also recommended probios powder vs. yogurt/dairy. So, mine do get the probios sprinkled over some rice or corn on a daily basis. Just curious if anyone else has been advised to avoid dairy products?
I don't give mine yogurt on a regular basis, but will give it if they have sour crop, per my vet, who has chickens himself.
I almost lost a finger today while giving my little sweeties some cold grape halves. They snarfed them down so fast I could barely follow the action! Lol!
Just saw this and wanted to share!

Think I'll go in the run and join them...looks delish!! Temps here are AWFUL today..96..and for the next ten days we're predicted to have close to 100+........oh, just great............
One of my hens started laying last week...She laid four eggs and has not laid for the past two days...Is this normal? The first two eggs were small and the next two were med to lg..My hens are about five months old...I have 12 and my Rhode Island Red is the first to lay.
One of my hens started laying last week...She laid four eggs and has not laid for the past two days...Is this normal? The first two eggs were small and the next two were med to lg..My hens are about five months old...I have 12 and my Rhode Island Red is the first to lay.
VERY laying hens are still "working the kinks out" ... some days you get eggs, some days you don't. Some days you get nice looking eggs, some days you'll get a real oddball!! Not to worry, she'll be fine.
Treats Treats Treats! When it comes to giving my flock treats, they go so crazy that i call them my little Velociraptors! I'm even thinking about naming my hen house "Velociraptor coop".

Their favorite treat of all time is a Costco Rotisserie chicken carcass. My family is a tad wasteful when it comes to rotisserie chicken, we don't pick it very clean, and there is a ton of meat, skin and fat left on it when I give it to them. They know what the container looks like so it's a tad scary to carry it out to them while they are free ranging. I worry they will knock me down and mug me for the chicken carcass. Somehow though, I manage to survive long enough to put it on the ground and watch the crazy Velociraptor show. They get a carcus around 2 days a week and love it.

Other huge hits:

night crawlers
scrambled eggs
cottage cheese mixed with yogurt

Last night I made them a giant Popsicle, I hope they like it. I didn't have a lot on hand, so this is not as great as it could be. It has:

frozen peas, carrots, and corn
rotisserie chicken
shredded cheese
cooked rice

I'll put it out and will report back on how they liked it. It's hot out so I thought they might enjoy a cold treat.

The giant popsicle is a hit! It is going to take them a long time to pick through it, so it is a good entertainment source as well. The chicken who seemed to like it the most is the Cream Legbar rooster. I swear, he had to have brain freeze, yet would not give himself a break. All of the others took breaks, then went back for more, but not him, he just kept pecking at it!
We give a chicken carcass once in a while too...when I don't use it for stock.
It's kind of disturbing.

I found out the hard way that they like butternut squash...right off the vine. Grrrr...

Today they had a mess of left over cooked sweet potato - I thought they were going to kill each other.
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