Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Thanks Guys...I'm going to order some...what do you put them in just dirt...I guess they send instructions on how to start your colony......?????
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Ours are getting to the stage (13 weeks) where they will eat almost anything we give them. But they are especially fond of watermelon, cantaloupe, tomatoes, and their absolute favorite, mealworms. We used to get them from the local bait and tackle shop but that was getting expensive. We have since been getting them from a wild bird feeder store.
True story: I tossed two pieces of fresh corn on the cob (about 3" pieces) to the girls 2 days They looked at them and never even took a peck at them!! I thought 'how silly you girls are' and left them there. Yesterday afternoon, all of a sudden, one of the 4 girls took a was ON!! My girls are just soo silly when it comes to a new 'treat'. Had to laugh!! :lau
My Girls do the same find it pretty funny

I was working on the coop when a big swarm of mosquitoes came out of the trees and started eating me alive. I was slapping 3-4 a slap then suddenly realized that my bare legs weren't being bit. When i looked down i was surrounded by chickens. Carefully picking off every mosquito that landed on my legs. It was kind of funny and creepy at the same time. Not being overly worried about making sure the chickens got a lot of the extra treat i ran for the house.

I was working on the coop when a big swarm of mosquitoes came out of the trees and started eating me alive. I was slapping 3-4 a slap then suddenly realized that my bare legs weren't being bit. When i looked down i was surrounded by chickens. Carefully picking off every mosquito that landed on my legs. It was kind of funny and creepy at the same time. Not being overly worried about making sure the chickens got a lot of the extra treat i ran for the house.

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