Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

stick a bounce sheet in your collar or if you have keeps the bugs mosquitoes, etc. away from you!
That is too funny! Yes I have had that issue with other plants in the garden-- it all started out "innocently" and I was praising them for their helpfulness pecking and scratching all my little weeds out of the garden, and then one pecked at a broccoli leaf! And it went downhill from there...apparently broccoli leaves are Soo tasty, they are only surpassed by the cantaloupe and watermelon leaves.

So I have to actively watch them in the garden now LOL, No free ranging in there!
Our chicks favorite treat is uncooked rolled oats, with red grapes and cantaloupe rinds a close tie. I have never fed mine tomatoes and they seem to avoid the ones in the garden, so others feed their chicks tomatoes and they seem to like them?

Mine didn't like tomatoes until they got one that had been damaged. The first thing they eat is the seeds.
My girls love grapes!! They run after them like little dogs ha I've been giving them grapes, watermelon, zucchini, cukes , carrots and lettuce. They did get salmon the other day but my dogs were jealous haha so I am sticking to fruit and veggies now.
I sprinkle barley in their run, so they scratch around pecking for some. They really like barley and they LOVE barley with water

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