Chickens feet seemed cramped up.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 6, 2009
I posted a couple weeks ago about a chicken that had trouble standing, like loss of balance. Now she is better, but her feet seemed cramped up so she cann't fully stand up or walk. She tries to push herself up, but her feet are cramped up like a ball. Does anyone know what could be the problem?

She is a 7 month old dominecker and she is eating a drinking fine and has been like this for 2 full weeks.

Thanks for any help.
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It could be a vitamin deficiency, especially B12. Add vitamin/electrolytes to their water (bought at feed store). You can also buy Poly-Vi-Sol (liquid baby vitamins) and give a few drops of that each day. Feed it some scrambled egg (high in protein and vitamins).

Good luck, I hope she gets better.

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