Chickens flying the coop


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
I have a 40x40 chicken run made with 4' tall wire fencing. I clip their wings, but they keep getting out. I watched them jump to the top of the fence, rest there, then jump over. Yesterday, I heard a "I laid an egg" cackle but paid no attention to it as it came from across the street. I then looked up only to see once of my chickens flying across the street and over the pasture fence.

How high shoudl the fence be?

I had a really bad problem with my new chickens this year jumping our 4 Ft. chainlink fence, and after placing everything in the world up there to make it higher, I found out that by buying poultry netting only 40 inches high, they won't fly over it since they can't jump up on it and then go over. We do not electrify it either, so I think any flimsy netting type fence would work.
My fence is 4', but I don't have support at the top for them to perch on. I was told that would encourage them to fly over. I only once saw my polish fly over the fence, and that's when I was letting them out to free range! I know they can, but they just don't...
I have 6' high welded wire fencing, and one of SLW and my phoenix and her 2 babies fly up and over it every day. I haven't clipped their wings though.

I've seen my Phoenix hen roosting above my run door - there's a little triangle of empty space between the run door and the roof. So, yes - they do have a spot they can rest before they make the leap over, heheh. I'm not worried about it though - I figure they're welcome to free-range if they want it that bad!

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