Chickens for Autism

Good Morning to every hen! So....this morning we are going to bake a batch of zucchini bread. I have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, so I have all my ingredients set out, pre measured, and ready for this activity with Caleb. He has a lot of issues with fine motor skills and finds it difficult to grasp certain items for longer periods of time, so we are working on desensitizing him to it, to be better able to participate in many daily activities of living. (ADLs) Rather; activities of daily living. What better way than to actually do something that is a " usual chore"? Cooking and baking! This also is good for cause and effect concepts. (This activity= this result. ) aka: When I dump this stuff into a bowl, and mix it, it goes in oven, then this tasty bread comes out that smells good, and we have a treat after lunch!
Already figuring out how to incorporate this with the coming silkies! Coop plans being figured as I speak by the DH!
Alright you have some real needs here and I have a little experience here with what you are going through as I have a son with Autism and he talks a little bit but he really started talking after I got him into ridding horses and most of it is one work sentences but I got most of the help through the Kern Regional Center and it just went from there as I got to meet different people but the people you need to get in contact with are your local Autism Awareness Groups or what ever they call them selves and I am sure you have a Regional Center some where around you and this is a State funded program .

My young boy Zack has hatched out chicks and helped with the brooder to raising and feeding the poultry around the yard so there is many things a kid with Autism can do and for some reason animals tend to understand that there is something special about these kids and work very well with these children or adults .

Your local 4 H should be willing to work with you and I called the state level 4 H and was quickly routed to the correct person who handled such programs and there is no reason why if a State like California is set up for Autism that any other grounded State would not have a program in place .

I so hope you get every bit of help you can as your child deserves this level of attention .
Thanks, Gander. That's exciting that Zack has done so well. Both of my granddaughers have autism, Katie is very high functioning and has "graduated", as she likes to say, from special education as of this school year. She's so excited! Kendra has the added complication of Spina Bifida, hydrocephalus, and autism, along with being "globally disabled" whatever the heck the "experts" think that means. But God forgot to tell her she has a disability and we ain't gonna tell her either! Chickens have made a world of difference for Katie and Kendra.
Gander007; yup, sure do! I am active with our local CARD here in nearest city of Tampa. They are a great organization down here, and after hooking up with 4 H and starting our flock up, we will be letting them know of this new group, but want to get a better grip on program first, and get off the ground!
I am attacking this with a couple lists of needs and wants, to do's and such.
Gander007; yup, sure do! I am active with our local CARD here in nearest city of Tampa. They are a great organization down here, and after hooking up with 4 H and starting our flock up, we will be letting them know of this new group, but want to get a better grip on program first, and get off the ground!
I am attacking this with a couple lists of needs and wants, to do's and such.
I was at a Veterans Hospital many years ago and I was talking to a fellow Veteran about my son I was informed about the local help that I had no idea about left me totally floored as I went from thinking that I was all alone but sadly found out that there were many others out there in the world having the same problems and the learning of what Autism is but here in California there is very little help for Retardation but massive help for Autism this made it very up lifting for me and when I first found out about the horse back ridding I thought how could this help out my boy but low and behold it was so helpful and my boy Zack started saying faster and the words took off from there ...

I got side tracked earlier and it is so late now I thank I had better go to bed but I will try to get back to you all so take care of your selves and yours .
Gander007; I too have heard about Hippotherapy and its effects with disabled kids. My cousins daughter was born a few weeks after my son, and is also severely Autistic. She was physically affected too, and could not walk or sit up for years. Maggie and her husband started to take her to a riding clinic. She now walks, and moves about on her own, and has learned to communicate via the computer. It's amazing what this did for her!
Good Morning all! Have a few minutes before the house wakes up, and thought I'd drop a line or three. The adventure continues with my hunt. I have a meeting set up with the local 4H leaders this Saturday, and found multiple breeders whom I believe can get the Gieck family started back up in poultry, and found my brooding equipment that I had packed away! My next thing to do is to find someone who can build us a chicken tractor. (We rent, so I want something portable this time) The pre made coops are beautiful, and think I could wrangle something to make one of them portable...but the cost is a bit steep at this moment. And...unfortunately my DH is not a builder, nor do we own many tools. (My toolbox was stolen a few years ago pre marriage out of a garden shed.
)Anyway....thinking finding a handyman is the way to go here, but always open for input. I have already ordered portable electric netting from Premier One, so I can move grazing about the land, and still protect from day dangers of neighborhood dogs...and zoo netting for the top because boy! We got Hawks in the day, and owls in the evening, and they all think chickens on the menu!! Any of you Floridians know a good carpenter or handyman looking for some extra work? Send them my way if you mean time, will be checking the community board at the feed stores, and our bitty news paper.
And think about using Mama Heating Pad.......every time I picture Katiebug sitting on the floor holding her burnt hand, rocking and crying so hard from the heat lamp I want to kick myself all over again, and go out like the Ladies of the Temperance movement and take an axe into feed stores, destroying every heat lamp I see!!

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