chickens gone wild


11 Years
Nov 18, 2008
I'm new to raising chickens, I mail ordered 26 baby chicks that were delivered to the post ffice on July 25, 1 arraived dead the others are all doing great!, with 1 exception they started laying eggs on december 25 approx a month sooner than expected but, the ones that are laying, are laying EVERYWHERE, I have managed to find 1 or 2 eggs in the coop, but mostly they are laying everywhere in the yard, so every morning I have to search, and I keep finding new places they decide to lay. Also I can't seem to get them in the coop, I have to catch them. they avoid me & most of them are now sleeping in our trees,

Can someone give sujestions as to what I can do, 1 how to teach them where to lay eggs .
2 how do I get them to sleep in their coop?

Thank You!
Please Help!
put some golf balls in the nest boxes. I have one in each nest box & find that after a year & a half of laying, they will only lay where there is a golf ball. Much luck and welcome!

Glad to have you here.

As to keeping them in their coop, the best thing to do is to lock them in for several days -- up to a week -- all day, and all night. Don't let them out to free range. They'll get used to sleeping up on their roosts in the coop at night and (being creatures of habit) will go back there to roost at night. Also, make it part of your daily routine with them to feed them a special treat in their coop before they go to roost -- some vegetable scraps, or some scratch or something else they like to eat. That will get them into the habit of meeting you there (chickens love treats).

As far as egg laying, the first thing I'm wondering about is your setup for them. Do you have nestboxes? If so, what are you using? When you answer that, I'm sure we can provide more help for you.
Slices of bread work as a super bait, to get them back in. Golf balls are good for "egg directing. Might want to keep them somewhat confined until they get the habit.

Thanks for the prompt reply's. I will try the golf balls, and Iwill need to have my boys build perches, to put in the chicken coop. As to answering the question do I have any pens, I have 16 chicken condominiums, (thats what the feed store called them) little boxes with some hay type soft stuff. and yes the do like bread, the other day my 5 year old grandson fed them some of his sandwhich, and a little latter we saw him running in the yard with almost all of the chickens chasing after him. I do love my chickens.
Look on the bright side. Come easter you will have plenty of practice finding eggs. With my kids we have to practice a couple days before the big day of hunting eggs.
Great sugestions.

In conjuction with those Ideas I'd like to add:
At the risk of sounding cruel; a quick burst of water near not on them, will help remind them where their "safe place" is. A couple more bursts may be needed to help steer them in their panic...

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