chickens got attacked. need hel for the surviving one


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Phoenix AZ
i had 2 chickens and ran to the grocery store. when i came back one was dead in the yard and the other was absolutly terrified ad hiding behind a stack of pallets. they both had been attacks. i took the one still alive in the bathroom and cleaned her odd. all of her tail feathers had been pulled out and most of her back end is skin. i can tell whatever had gotten her got skin but not flesh and she was covered in ants. i rinsed the ants and loose feathers off and put her in her coop/run so she was totally safe we gave her fresh water and some bread and im going to get grapes. a friend of mine said the only things i could do would be wait for her to die or turn her into dinner. dinner is not an option. i check on her every half hour and she is moving around, she is very very scared and now lonely (the other chicken was pretty much her sister since they hatched together) idk what else i can do but keep her comfortable and hpe she makes it.
is there anything else i can do to help her get better or at least die comfortable? i cant afford to take her to a chicken vet but if there is anything i can put on her bare back to make it less painful looking or heal the skin please let me know.

i can post pics if that would help but they are a touch graphic.
Please do post the pictures.

Are you saying she has lost most of her feathers or also her skin? I hope the former.

Go to the pharmacy and pick up some Betadine, neosporin, gauze, and flexible wrap if you don't have them in the house, so you can do some first aid. Also pick up some high quality cat food, this will help her grow her feathers back and also heal the skin faster. Give her some electrolytes and yogurt too. If you have a Gatorade handy that would do for now.
what i have read on here is use neosporin on the wound.. im sure she is in total shock make sure she is eating and drinking or have it available to her and leave her alone for 24 hours.. im sure you can check on her but try not to startle her.. that had to be frightening for her poor baby and sorry for your loss..
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feathers and skin. i think its skin, i can see some meat in some places but yes lots of feathers in the yard. i put some peroxide solution on her when she was getting cleaned off it helped get rid of the ants too, ill go grab some neosporin and cat food and a gatorade. shes never liked yogurt but she seems content right now in her coop. ill keep you posted on how she is, my daughter is heart broken cus it was her chicken, i dont even want to be here when the oldest finds out hers didnt even make it

this is peppers back her head is on the left and tail on the right. there are a few patches where i can see there is no skin but this was as close as i could get, i distracted her with some sunflower seeds. she perked up when i brought her some seeds and ate like it was the only food on earth lol. she seems to be doing ok so we are just trying to keep her happy and calm.
The Betadine would be better. The peroxide can be too harsh especially if the wound is deep. I am not sure I understand the extent of the skin situation. She may need to be stitched up. There is also veterinary "superglue" that could work. You'll have to really keep an eye on it as she could get a secondary infection.

Check well under the feathers. It's easy to miss a puncture.
i checked under her feathers. when she was still in shock and soaking wet from the shower i was able to move her feathers and wings around. its not like a skinned chicken skin, i guess for a human it would be like skinning a knee but idk how many layers of skin a chicken has. in the picture the red patch is where he skin is open, she was bleeding a little so i think it may have just been a top layer because it was bleeding from the feather holes but hot from an actual wound. as soon as this dust storm passes im heading to get ointment for her little spot and some cat food. should i get wet or dry? she really seemed to enjoy the wet when she was molting.
The reason I keep bringing up the Betadine, is that in addition to being an antiseptic, it also prevents fungal and bacterial infections, which will be important in this case. You should be able to get it at a pharmacy and should only cost a few dollars (and it's safe for eyes too!) (no i don't work for them;-) )

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