Chickens in Atlantic Pyrenees


In the Brooder
Feb 17, 2021
Pyrenees Atlantiques, France
A quick intro from Rose-Marie and Jan (me - no not a Janet, but Dutch for John).
We live in the Atlantic Pyrenees in the South of France in a valley called the Vallée d'Ossau and are fairly new to chickens. About 18 months ago we bought 4 chickens and had the cockerel/rooster thrown in. A tricolor Sussex, a Limousine Grey, a red Braekel couple and a black Marans. All around 3 months old.
They have a nice 18m2 (don't ask me to do that weird thumbs, elbows, feet and toes thing - divisible by 10 is the only way ;-) covered enclosure and a coop within with a ChickenGuard electric door - no expense spared.
As newbies at the time with 3 terrier dogs and a cat, the thought of letting chickens out of the enclosure was a no no. That as well as the foxes, stoats, pine martens in the mountains, chickens were going to stay in.
Unfortunately, the Marans succumbed to coccidiosis after about 3 months. The Braekel couple suffered the same and by mid 2020 we were down to 2. We decided to open the enclosure and see what would happen - best decision ever. Our ladies are extremely happy and roam the garden fending off the local cats easily. Our Sussex resembles a 4kg turkey more than a chicken. About an hour before sundown, they sit by the gate waiting to go into the enclosure and get their feed.
This spring we hope to get a couple more.

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