Chickens in the rain


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I figured when it starts raining our flock, out free ranging in the yard, would head to the coop. But they just stand out in the rain. Is this normal? Do I need to round them up into the coop when it rains? I live in New Mexico where the rain storms are short, but they can be heavy. I don't want the chickens to get sick from being wet and cold.
I've heard that on the contrary chickens enjoy the rain someone. I've been told that if its a short shower to let them stay out if they want to. For thunderstorms and torrential down pours, I'd round them up if I were you.
Ours go in by themselves. We also have a hemlock and a cedar on the north oart of the run that form a canopy. When my fiance and I put up the coop, it was raining and we were under those trees and it kept us relatively dry. The coop is under there now and even though we've had a wet, cool summer the chickens are fine.

Maymay, if you can maybe plant some trees or shrubs for shelter, it may be adequate for a short rain

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