Chickens In The White House! How can we make this happen!?!?!

We've already been contacted by a few coop suppliers that would gladly donate some amazing coops to go at the White House. The challenge will be getting someone to let us put it there!
I am sure there is a perfect little spot near the garden on the white house lawn. There have been all sorts of presidential pets there. Including horses, ponies and goats. Abraham Lincoln even had a turkey. I am actually surprised there hasn't been a flock of chickens. Especially back in the earlier part of the century.
How do you get chickens in the White House? Well unfortunately you can not elect them!
You have to get someone real important to give them as a gift that can not be refused. Another possibility is to offer,on behalf of the 20 something thousand American voters/BYC members,a donation of the choice of breed that should roam the White House garden.
Plymouth Rock is where America began, that might be a chicken choice also.
Hey BYC Members,

I will be calling the White House on Monday along with the President of the radio station to see how we can get this idea in motion. We will invite them to come on the radio show to discuss the benefits. I will keep you all updated.

Thanks for listening!

Chicken Whisperer
Chickens at the White House, how cool would that be!! I bet the President's heartstrings lie in the hands of his two girls. Along with writing letters, we should all send pics of our kids with the chickens, to let him see the enchantment. I bet Sasha and Malia would LOVE to have some little chicks running around.................

Hhmmm...........A victory garden, backyard chickens, next they'll be sprinkling random beehives all over the lawn, what is this Presidency coming to!! Ahhh, it's a beautiful thing............
it's a really cute idea. you guys could be all over the news!

'byc persuaded president barack obama to adopt the exciting hobby of chicken farming! *shot of girls running round chasing chickens* maybe this great presidential act will inspire us to bring up a flock in our own backyards too! now onto the weather......'
Off yes -- that would be great -- a special designed "White House " coop.

I like the mention that other heads of State have chickens!! Good point.

Keep it cxoming and please someone volunteer to make the parts come to gether and happen.

Who reever offered the plans can you make them into a "White House Replica" or something close? And then pass them on to someone actually to make the coop!


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