Chickens jumping over fence!


Jul 22, 2022
Hi! My chickens are jumping on to our fence and then over into the next pasture. It is usually our rooster that leads most of the flock over, some choose not to go. I don’t love that they do this because then we have to keep our dogs from going outside.

The issue is once he leads them over, in true male fashion ;), he doesn’t ask for directions and can’t figure out how to get back over. He just ends up going up and down the fence line looking for a way in. We also have goats in that pasture so we can’t leave the gate open.

Is there something I can do to encourage them to stay in their pasture? I’m afraid if I clip their wings they will jump on the trees next to the fence and jump over.

They have 2 acres but for some reason the grass is always greener on the other side..
You could try clipping your roosters wing.

That’s a good idea! We don’t handle him much, if at all. Is there a good way to catch him without freaking him out? (This is our first flock and they’re about 5 months old so very new to this!)
I’m learning this is very true. I’m currently in my house watching them out my window where they aren’t supposed to be. Any ideas on how to extend my fence? It’s hard to see but the main portion is chain link with metal posts on top and as supports. And I think my problem is also going to be all the Mesquite Honey trees along the fence line.


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We don’t handle him much, if at all. Is there a good way to catch him without freaking him out? (This is our first flock and they’re about 5 months old so very new to this!)
Wait until after dark, then grab him off the roost. He may freak out at first, but most chickens settle down fairly soon if you hold them securely but gently, and maybe talk softly to them.

Then carry him somewhere with light, or have a headlamp on in the first place, and you can do wing-trimming or anything else you need to do.

Or to catch a chicken in the daytime, slowly shoo it into an enclosed space (fenced run with a roof, or coop, or something like that), then go in with the chicken and shut the door, then corner the chicken and grab it. Again, it will probably freak out briefly, but most chickens settle down fairly soon.

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