chickens killed by two dogs - GOOD NEWS


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
Three out of four of my beautiful girls were killed tonight by two dogs. I stepped outside a moment too late. Just in time to watch them take their last breaths. Ruby had hidden in the nest box and had all of her tail feather pulled out. Only the dogs head could fit in. He climbed the ladder into the coop. I caught the dogs. Police came and called animal control. Animal control came and picked up the dogs. Said he has picked them up several times for killing chickens and cats. I am planning on doing whatever I can to make sure these dogs don't kill another pet. I can't get anywhere with the police...they said I have to go through civil court. I'm just looking for advice about does and donts when pressing charges.

Please no comments on how my fence wasn't secure enough and i didn't protect my girls. I realize that. I am to blame. I just want to know how best to prevent someone else from feeling the way I do tonight.

Thanks for any suggestions.
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I'm so sorry about your chickens. I've only had experience in small claims court, and never received any money. Hopefully someone will have some better legal advise.
I'm so sorry- having pets killed by predators is terrible. Several years ago our two pet Holland lop rabbits were killed by loose dogs. We did end up taking the owners to court after they refused to compensate us and won. If the dogs belong to someone you should make sure there are consequences for the owners. It's irresponsible (and probably illegal) to let your dogs roam loose on someone else's property.
As for pressing charges, all I can say is bring as much proof as possible. If you are asking for compensation, you need to bring proof of how much you spent on the chickens.
I'm sorry and saddened to hear about the loss of your 3 girls, I'm also sorry to say I don't have any advice to offer you in regards to what you can do legally, How is Ruby seem to be doing after all that trauma? Again sorry to hear about your loss...
Maybe someone in Animal Control could tell you better how things work in your area etc. I am sure they have been involved in such cases before. They might be able to guide you...just a thought and a place to start. If they have picked these dogs up beforre, then you would want that brought out. And very sorry for your loss.
Thank you everyone. We have a call out to animal control...hoping to hear back from them today. I feel so bad for Ruby. She is limping pretty badly and is very shaken up. Poor girl. She did drink some water this morning...she's a tough biddy
So so sorry for your loss! I don't have any legal expertise, but one would assume the dog owners would be responsible for, at a minimum, half the loss since you did not have a fence. If there is a leash law, a sympathetic judge may award more. I hope you are able to pursue this and are successful! Hugs to both you and Ruby ((((())))))
Thank you Nana! The chickens were in a fence, but the dogs were able to get through it. We spoke to the director of the humane society today. She is not optimistic. There is a clear ordinance that any animal who attacks domestic poultry unprovoked is considered a dangerous animal and must be put down. But apparently the court system does not uphold that ordinance. It's crap. They will give the owners a ticket for 'animal at large.' It is a small fine. Now we just need to decide whether to go to small claims court or not. As well as decide what to do with Ruby since she won't be able to make it through the winter alone. I'm not sure if I want to try chicks this late in the year. And I certainly won't even be ordering any until I have some serious hot wire installed.

I'm honestly not even concerned with a monetary settlement. I just don't want these dogs to go back to owners who have no respect for other people's pets or livestock. I will never understand how someone could be so selfish.
Sorry to hear of the attack. Personally I would use about .55 cents of hot lead, thats just me being the angry victem though. On a separate note if your not a fan of firearms, catch them and haul thier mangy butts a couple of counties over to thier animal control. The animal control in your area doesnt seam to be effective.

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