Chickens loosing feathers! ! !

Very helpful photos- thanks for taking the time and care to share with us!
We had a similar problem with 2 of our 6 hens losing feathers and having sores above the tail. Molting seems to be part of the problem.
Someone at our local feed store suggested switching from pellet to mash. Apparently they peck when bored, and by eating mash, it takes the hens longer to fill up.
Also, had a suggestion to apply blue vaseline (color with food dye)to the sore.
Any comments?

Also, if ticks and mites are present, what's the base way to treat the problem?
I'm still researching mites and lice etc., but I do know Diatomaceous Earth is good for any pests/insects (its structure injures insects but not hosts. Human can drink the Food Grade DE and it can be used as a dewormer in humans and animals). Sprinkle it on roosts, in nests, and in the coop. I have also heard that wood ash (eg. from woodstove or fireplace) will get rid of pests (lice?). I put wood ash in the chicken run when I think of it so they can dust bath in it.
Thank you for posting those very helpful photos! I came across this thread fro a google search for molting. My hens all seem to be molting as well--particularly on the lower back above the ail. Definitely worsened by pecking from the other hens (we have no roosters). I wonder if I should apply an ointment or disinfectant? Thanks again for the photos!!
PS I wanted to upload a photo of our hens molting, but can't figure out how to attach a photo. Will look into this....
If your chickens are only missing feathers above the tail, and no where else, I would say it is feather picking. I have a BR hen who is doing this to the rest of my flock. The are pecked down the the skin, but only right above their tails. Keep in mind that hens usually (and I say usually because mine haven't yet and I have only read about it) molt in the fall after their first FULL year of laying. My hens were just a year, so I am expecting mine to molt late summer/early fall this year.
OK, so I found this thread. My one hen is not moulting, but non the less is loosing feathers. It does not appear to be mites, we don't have a rooster, she isn't being picked on any more than the other 5 hens I have, and she has been this way for over 6 weeks now. What gives?!?!? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!




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