Chickens losing bottom feathers


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 4, 2014

Can someone please tell me what Is happening to my chickens and how to fix the problem. I am pretty sure they are not molting because I think they are too young. They will be a year old on April 1st.

I have 10 chickens but only 4 or 5 have any issue. The one pictured above is by far the worst. The others are affected but not very badly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can someone please tell me what Is happening to my chickens and how to fix the problem. I am pretty sure they are not molting because I think they are too young. They will be a year old on April 1st.

I have 10 chickens but only 4 or 5 have any issue. The one pictured above is by far the worst. The others are affected but not very badly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

That is a classic case of feather picking and a bad case. The cause could be boredom and space issues or lice and mites or both. Obseve your birds at roost time to learn about fighting/pecking issues. Listen to and watch the birds for excessive grooming and scrathching issues. Birds bothered by bugs have difficulty settling at night.
I have 2 of 4 chickens with the same problem. I've been searching the internet to figure out what the heck is causing it. Did you ever figure out what was going on? I know it's been a few years but I am at a loss. Thanks for any feedback.
Definitely from picking which can be from boredom, crowding or a deficiency. What are you feeding. That can quickly turn to cannibalism, so take it seriously.

How big is your set up?
I agree, it looks like picking. Do you have a rooster as well?
Photos of your coop/run along with dimensions (sq ft of each) would be helpful.
Photos of the others girls with damage along with photos of the girls with no damage may give us a clue as well.

I would still check her over for lice/mites.
Also tell us what you feed, including treats and how much.

Your BR pullet also have quite a fullish looking abdomen (see red arrow in photo). How does that feel? Is it hard, soft, squishy or fluid filled?
Does she have any problems laying eggs?

A full abdomen like that I might expect in an older hen but in a pullet, I would suspect that may be excess fat or possibly and indication of reproductive problems to come.
We can help you evaluate food/space and see if anything needs to be tweaked.

Hello all -- we're having the same problem (also Bard Rock). We have looked repeatedly for any bugs (have found none). We've separated the 'bald' chicken for several weeks, but the feathers just don't grow back. She seems otherwise happy and healthy. Lays eggs regularly. She eats Poulin Layer Pellets. Dried meal worms as treats. That's all. We're at a loss. We think we know which other chicken is the bully (well, there are two possibilities). Should we isolate them instead of the 'bald' chicken? (But that doesn't change the fact that feathers just won't seem to grow back.) Thanks for any thoughts you may have. ~Nancy
Hello all -- we're having the same problem (also Bard Rock). We have looked repeatedly for any bugs (have found none). We've separated the 'bald' chicken for several weeks, but the feathers just don't grow back. She seems otherwise happy and healthy. Lays eggs regularly. She eats Poulin Layer Pellets. Dried meal worms as treats. That's all. We're at a loss. We think we know which other chicken is the bully (well, there are two possibilities). Should we isolate them instead of the 'bald' chicken? (But that doesn't change the fact that feathers just won't seem to grow back.) Thanks for any thoughts you may have. ~Nancy
Feathers generally won't grow back until the fall molt.

Can someone please tell me what Is happening to my chickens and how to fix the problem. I am pretty sure they are not molting because I think they are too young. They will be a year old on April 1st.

I have 10 chickens but only 4 or 5 have any issue. The one pictured above is by far the worst. The others are affected but not very badly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
We have been finding this with our 10 Wyandotte's as well. 5 out of 10 are bare. Exactly how this picture looks. I came across your thread while doing research for our hens. What steps did you take? What was the outcome? We treated as if we were fighting mites yet found no bugs at all. Now we've staggered their perches in the coop in hopes the extra room will keep them from continuing to peck each other. I'm interested to hear from you. We're very concerned.

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