chickens neck


In the Brooder
12 Years
Aug 4, 2007
My young chicken got her neck pecked a few weeks ago her neck is healing but at first it was just bent but today she can turn her head completly up side down I dont know what to do for her.Iwill try to take pictures of her to show.its very scary
Did dhlunicorn email you? She's the one that knows the possible treatment your bird may need by heart. Email me with the picture and I'll look up the treatment if it is what I think it might be.
I took Miss Bell to the vet and they said she had a infection I got aniboitics and ointment all for 150 bucks.Its been 2 days her head is hanging up side down most the time.I sure hope she gets better she is now named miss golden bell
what breed is this bird? (and how old)
what have you been feeding?
what is the weather like where you are at?
She is a Polish Crest about 5 months old and she is on starter crumbles and I give her regular corn as she got the cracked corn stuck in her mouth a few times.I live in florida but I have had her in my housein a large dog cage since the injury I know she cannot take the heat right now.
please do not give ANY scratch grains... keep her on a wet mash >>>use chick starter (unmedicated) or a grower crumble and mix this with some cooked (human) oatmeal (cooked in water not milk)... if you can get some yogurt (the live culture one not the desrt/pasteurized on) this will also do the bird good.
Ok thanks for the help what harm does the medicated scratch do? I just gave her some oatmeal I will have to get some yogurt

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