Chickens never go into coop, what to do for nest boxes?

Yep catch em and put them on the roost.
We had a similar situation, katydidit, except that we got them to go into the coop after a few days but they wouldn't sleep on the roost. Instead they huddled in a corner nesting box all piled on top of each other.

Now, after a few days of patience and taking out the nesting box they are starting to UNpile and one or two are even using the roost--at least during the day.

We're away for the holiday weekend, so hopefully they will be roosting like 'properly-raised' chickens when we get home.

P.S. we tried the put-them-on-the-roost method and it just caused mass panic, so we decided to go with patience.

Good luck.
If you are getting 100+ weather, I don't think you have enough ventilation. The coop is probably too hot. I am in an are with 80 weather and have a similar size coop but 5-6 times more ventilation. Have it on all 4 sides and vents are much bigger.

People in hot weather areas recommend having one whole side open for more air circulation.
I have a tiny yard so my entire coop is a chicken tractor, but since I don't put food or water in the actual coop area I try to always let them out by about 6:30 am. I would feel bad if I were to leave them in such a small area with no access to the sun. Another thing is with the size of mine by 10 am it is getting pretty warm in there and I want to give them the option to go into the run. Just my thoughts on when to let them out.

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