Chickens not going into house?


7 Years
May 7, 2012
Queensland, Australia
I've just posted my design in the Coops area, of the chicken tractor me and my dad built yesterday.

However, I put my three silkies straight into the run after moving them outside and they don't seem to want to go inside the wooden house part of it. It's raining quite heavily here at the moment, and it's winter time (sadly, it will never snow here at our place) and they're sitting outside. I tried gently guiding them up the ramp into the house, but as soon as it went in there, it freaked and quickly ran out. Here's a picture from my bedroom window:

What should I do? Thanks :)
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When I get new chickens, I put them in the house first and leave them there for a couple of days. Then I open up the door so they can go out into the run. By then they've figured out that house = home and they come and go. Since they are prey animals they are very suspicous of new things by nature. Right now, house = oven in their little brains, so they're scared.

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