Chickens not laying-


9 Years
Jan 21, 2011
We have 4 chickens about a year old, two barred rocks, one red star and one rhode island red. We just lost a barred rock - we believe she was egg bound. We were getting an egg a day from each chick pretty consistently, but for the last couple of weeks we were only getting two and for the last week we are only getting one. I was giving them yogurt every day as a treat - would that have anything to do with it? it was very hot, but has cooled a bit this week. they all seem happy and healthy, but i am just worried given that we just lost the barred rock. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
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could be depression or grief, for lack of a better term. chickens are very social animals. could be the heat. could be going into molt. could be going broody. could be just a phase. could be a combination of any of them.
i'm just realizing i've been seeing a lot of feathers laying around, so maybe it is molting................

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