Chickens On Hills


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2015
I was wondering, I have my baby chicks and they are growing fast. I have yet to build their coop I was going to put them in the front yard but my town said it must be 25ft away from property lines so with that said I have to put it in my back yard which is completely hill. So my question is does anyone have their chicken coop on a hill or slop and how do your chickens like it? Thank you for the help
Hello, and welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined our community.

I would check out the links that Kelsie2290 gave you.
Good luck with your chicks!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

My entire property is on a slope. So the coop and run were cut into the slope to be level. Of course when I let the birds out to free range, they are all over the hill side.

Definitely do some posting in our Coop and Run Construction forums for more help with ideas.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
If you look through the large coop design one of my favorites was actually built on a slope, I remember because there was a whole section on leveling it.

Also browsing through the coop design section is a good idea, that way you can pick up cool designs and tricks that you can use in your coop!

Thanks guys, I'm new to forums and wasn't sure on how they work. sorry it took me so long to get back. The coop is up will have to post pictures soon. it really difficult to walk up hill everyday I'll say. But thank you so much for your feed back

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