chickens pooping in nest boxes


9 Years
May 14, 2010
Macomb, Michigan
I think I goofed! I put in the nest boxes.. about a month or more ago.. simple because that was the only time my son had to help me... but The chickens up till now didn't even go near them! I took out the huge feeder box that I had in the coop to make more room.. since they were sleeping underneath it.. (that is where most of the poop would be...

I had a brilliant idea that I would introduce them to the nest boxes.. because the little ramp I have was a bit hard for them to get up on... SO... I took a smooth egg shaped small rock and placed it in one of the dad blame nest boxes... now guess where they all sleep and poop!!

I haven't had the chance to put in some perches... maybe that is the problem... I will try and get that done today... but would that be the reason?

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Are the hens laying? If not block off the nests, and do not allow access.

And yes roosts would help. They should be higher than the nests. You may need to go place them on the roosts for a while, so they learn that is where to sleep.

Good luck

BTW- Nice coop
Thank you so much Imp, If I block off the nest with chicken wire is that ok? I am trying to make some roosting posts.. Have the wood already but someone stoled our charger and Ryobi batteries... what luck... Have a drill and saw with no batteries!
and a husband that just won't help.
frustrating Sunday but I will make it work one way or another...thank you so much have a great day:thumbsup
Yeah chicken wire is OK, even cardboard. It's really not a problem if they roost in the nests, you just get poopy nests, and most people do not like that.

Sorry about the theft. That's a bummer.

Nice nesting boxes...they will probably sit on what ever you put over your boxes, unless it is tilted. Once it is dark, then move them to the roost. Keep the boxes covered until they learn to go up on the roost.
It took two nights of putting my pullets on the roost. I was surprised on the third day at dusk when everyone was on the roost! No more poop in the nesting boxes!

Good luck!
I hope that I can do the same... my chickens are almost 17 weeks I am so disappointed with myself.. I am trying so hard, I want to do the best I can that is why I come on the websites getting information....Now I do a stupid thing like this

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