Chickens reaction to snow


6 Years
Mar 30, 2018
We are having our first snow of the season, and it is a doozy! So far we have 14 inches and it is still coming down. This is unusual for our area.

The chickens would not come out of the coop this morning. Finally one jumped out as I was cleaning the poop out, and the others immediately followed.

Then they just stood there, and refused to move. They were in snow up to their tailfeathers, and had no idea what to do. I did not have my phone to take a picture, but it was funny. They all looked at me with a "help!" expression. I picked them up and put them back in the coop.

Now they won't even go in the run, which is covered. I put a tarp over one side of the run as well, to keep blowing snow out.
My forecast was for < 1", then 1-3", then < 1", then just rain, then < 1", then last night 1-3". Woke up about 5AM and there were already 3" on the ground. Boy did they blow it. Must have gotten 8-10". Power's out. I shoveled a path from the coop to the house so they could hang out under the porch. Some made the trek, some didn't. It was so funny watching them gingerly walk single file up to the house.
If you lay straw down in run or where you shovel they may be more apt to walk on it.
My forecast was for < 1", then 1-3", then < 1", then just rain, then < 1", then last night 1-3". Woke up about 5AM and there were already 3" on the ground. Boy did they blow it. Must have gotten 8-10". Power's out. I shoveled a path from the coop to the house so they could hang out under the porch. Some made the trek, some didn't. It was so funny watching them gingerly walk single file up to the house.

I shoveled out a small area around the coop, but they were having none of it. They didn't even want to be on the bottom of the run, since there was a little snow in there. They spent the day alternating between the coop and the roosting bar in the run.

We ended up with about 20 inches! They were predicting 4 to 8 the night before, but changed it to 13 inches, but were still off. Last night, when I was going out to the coop at 6 pm to close it up, rhe snow was up to my knees.
I shoveled out a small area around the coop, but they were having none of it. They didn't even want to be on the bottom of the run, since there was a little snow in there. They spent the day alternating between the coop and the roosting bar in the run.

We ended up with about 20 inches! They were predicting 4 to 8 the night before, but changed it to 13 inches, but were still off. Last night, when I was going out to the coop at 6 pm to close it up, rhe snow was up to my knees.

Stay warm! Winter pics are great!
If you lay straw down in run or where you shovel they may be more apt to walk on it.
I don't have straw, but I put some pine shavings down in the run, and shoveled a bigger area around their coop and run, down to the dirt, and now they are happily scratching in the dirt. I just left the run door open, and they have been going in and out.

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