Chickens roaming too far


5 Years
Aug 8, 2014
My girls have started venturing out well beyond my property. I have two acres and everyone around me has about that much land. They typically stay in my yard but now have started venturing too far (crossing the road, two or three neighbors over, etc.) I am worried that they are going to get eaten by neighbors dogs because they are flying over fences now. I don't want to lock them up forever but I can't just let them free range that far. Any suggestions?
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. The only other option besides keeping them in an enclosed run is to clip one wing so they can't fly over the fences. What kind of chickens do you have? Even clipping a wing might not work if they are light, flighty breeds. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in keeping your chickens on your property.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

X2 There really is no way to contain them well enough other than keeping them in a run. I can't free range mine due to all the predators so they are kept in a run. However when I have the time, I will go out and sit with them as they free range. When it is time to go in, I rattle a snack bag or feed can and they all come running.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X3, you can't really stop them from roaming with out fences of some sort, you might consider something like the movable electric poultry netting.
Chickens can't read road signs, or safely cross streets and flying into someone else's yard is always a danger - could be dogs waiting on the other side. If you are concerned about their safety put up a large, secure covered run for them. Despite your amount of land, they obviously feel the grass is greener somewhere else. Your birds will live a lot longer if you have them corralled.
i am considering attaching a bell to them - or attaching all 4 chicken with a string so they all stick together. Hopefully voting where to go all together will keep them busy for a while. I keep fetching on them from neighbours porches, backyards, garages and keep sweeping the poopoo too. I respect their freedom and can't keep them locked.

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