Chickens smarter than me!


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
At least I know they have team spirit.

I keep my chickens in part of a barn. The barn is really old, some of the latches on the doors are hand-made wrought iron, and you can't completely close the chicken door from the inside--only from the outside. If you try to close it from the inside, it will only go to about 3 inches from closed, then jam. You can see where this is going already, right?

Today, I went out for their usual morning feeder check/head count, and saw one little chicken in the far corner of the room, meeping as if something was wrong. I walked over to her, crouched down, and about seven other chickens made a run for the door. Crying little chicken abruptly stops crying and runs around in circles, seemingly laughing at me. I was faster than all but one roo, who led me a merry chase around the stalls before deciding to cower under a bicycle and getting stuck.

I really need to clean out that barn. You don't even want to know what I tripped over, or what I landed in face-first...I'm just saying, I needed a bath...
I tell you, I love reading these stories! I come home and tell my hubby what I read recently from some of you guys, and we have a good laugh.

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